A really excellent piece of news which I only found out from a tabloid website is that the original programmers for Baldur’s Gate have got back together in order to update the games for a more modern time.
The best part is that these games aren’t getting torn apart and dumbed down for the Call of Battlefield Duty console gamers but getting left in their original unadulterated RPG goodness. The Baldur’s Gate series is easily the greatest RPG made, the depth of the story and the characters, the environments and the many side quests. This release is the first game including the expansion with Baldur’s Gate II set for a release later on.
You can even play it on an tablet so I am very tempted to get it on more than one platform. Anyway, if you’ve played these games before you’re definitely going to be buying them and if you haven’t then you owe yourself a taste of how great a game can be given the opportunity.
Find all the information you need here – http://www.baldursgate.com/
UPDATE – Pre-ordered 😀
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